Sorry, the sanctuary is closed to the public       Tripadvisor Travellers' Choice for 9 years in a row

About Us

Owl landing during flying demonstration at Eagles Flying, Irish Raptor Research Centre, Ballymote, County Sligo, IrelandGoshawk with trainer Sarah, at Eagles Flying, Irish Raptor Research Centre, Ballymote, County Sligo, IrelandHimalayan Vulture with chick  at  Eagles Flying, Irish Raptor Research Centre, Ballymote, County Sligo, IrelandEagle at Eagles Flying, Irish Raptor Research Centre, Ballymote, County Sligo, IrelandAnatomy course for students at Eagles Flying, Irish Raptor Research Centre, Ballymote, County Sligo, Ireland
The IRISH RAPTOR RESEARCH CENTRE is a scientifically managed sanctuary for Birds of Prey and Owls.

Situated on 27 hectares, the sanctuary is home to about 350 birds and animals of many different species.

Established in 1999 the centre was originally set up for research purposes only, but as a consequence of increasing interest and local awareness, it was decided to open parts of the centre to visitors.

In summer 2003 Eagles Flying introduced its birds to the first eager visitors.

The Eagles Flying Show is both fun and educational for the whole family! Our special method of working with animals makes it possible to allow them as close as possible to our visitors. The presenters on hand give information on each of the birds and raptors in general and if you ever had a question about a bird of prey - well, here you go - just ask!

In 2007 the Irish Raptor Research Centre / Eagles Flying received the accreditation as an EU-Zoo.